Why the World Is in Shambles: The Lies We Live By

Mayra Leen
3 min readJul 30, 2020


We’re obviously missing something.

The world doesn’t make sense. We have everything, there’s enough of everything, the intelligence and research is available, but yet we have way too many people suffering.

Sure, in many ways things are getting better, but look at where we are. I think we can all agree we have a long way to go.

As Einstein famously said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” And what exactly is some of the thinking that has created our current state?

We’re going to have an ongoing dialogue about this. I’m only scratching the surface today.

What is certain is that we must start questioning some of the core principles of life and the principles we operate on. Some of those principles are based on what we think we’re doing here, who we are, what is god, and what is god’s role in our lives.

Regardless of your beliefs (religious, atheist, or spiritual), these principles have infiltrated our entire lives and determine the way we go about our lives and how we treat ourselves and others. We don’t even know where they came from, and sometimes even if we consider ourselves “non-religious”, we soon find ourselves in the same shame, guilt, and suppression as if we subscribed.

It’s time we question all of this. In this video, I’m covering 10 lies most of us tend to believe to some extent as covered in the first chapter of Conversations with God (CWG) book 1.

I’m also providing some truths as well as suggestions on how to begin to experience the truth. I’m not attempting to convince or rationalize these ideas, I’m simply stating what is provided in the first few pages of CWG for your own evaluation.

As you will soon learn, I don’t believe in right and wrong, but when I think about the question of what I want to experience and what society I would like live in, I believe these ideas no longer serve us. It’s not a matter of wrong or right, but of it’s usefulness.

I highly encourage your own exploration. Take this as a quick list of ideas to explore further.

The 10 Lies and The Truth

  1. God only talks to people in rare and special occasions ::God communicates to everyone all the time
  2. “Word of God” is most important and even sacred ::God uses feelings, thoughts, experience, and as a last resort, words
  3. God only communicates to special, chosen people ::All people are special and all moments are golden. A two-way communication is possible.
  4. Right and Wrong is absolute and determined by God ::Right and Wrong is simply what you assign to things you agree or don’t agree with.
  5. You must ask fervently in prayer for what you want ::Every thought is creative. Any thought, statement, or feeling held as truth is creating your reality. Each thought is based on either fear or love.
  6. God says yes or no to requests ::Requests are not necessary. Simply appreciate your ability to choose and create and affirm what is. Thank in advance.
  7. God is creating the circumstances of your life ::God created the process of life, gave you free will, and the power to create the rest.
  8. God cares and has a preference in what you do ::God has no preference in any matter. Like a parent taking a child to the playground, there is no preference in what game is played.
  9. The ultimate outcome is in doubt. God cannot be depended upon or trusted, and God’s love and acceptance is conditional. ::You do not know who you are, so you accept the only experience of love you know which is limited and conditional.
  10. God is to be feared as he will judge and punish ::You have been taught to fear and live in fear by those who want to control your behavior

We’re starting with topics on “God” because whether we like it or not, these notions determine what we believe about life and ourselves. In a weird way, we kind of have to start here.

Please tune in and subscribe as I plan to upload a video and share a summary post each week to explore these and more topics in depth.

You can also connect with me and keep the dialogue going through social media @MayraLeen or www.MayraLeen.com.

